Saturday, April 21, 2012

Signs of the times

I pass this sign several times a week walking between my job and the 4 train.  And every, EVERY time I pass it, I think of this.

Yeah, and I'm judgmental about ads that aren't edited before being stuck on the downtown 6.  I mean, I've screwed up the spelling of judgment many times myself.  But nobody has ever paid me for my words.  Also, I've learned.

These signs were posted about 2 meters apart on the same beat-up wooden barricade surrounding the huge vacant lot near my house. It's actually a very good - if thoroughly depressing - juxtaposition of low-cost advertising.  Honestly, it's very poetic and one could write extensively on the symbolism of that lot lying fallow, the price of a failed marriage, and the overwhelming accumulation of human detritus (tm Morgan).  I kind of want to call both numbers and see if I get the same agency.  Like they offer quickie divorces and then take your ex's crap out of your apartment in less than 24 hours, all for one low price.  It's the 51st way to leave your lover.

Oh my god.  Maybe these are Paul Simon's phone numbers.

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