Monday, April 23, 2012

Let's take a little trip together.

Ok, someone sent me this clip about a Ukrainian supermodel who has had numerous plastic surgeries in order to look like a Barbie Doll.  That compelling subject matter notwithstanding, it's the medium that brings us this information that really intrigues me.  Get a load of this.

I mean, the creepy real-doll gestalt she's got going on here is rather frightening in and of itself, but this clip is apparently a news segment..?  Complete with CGI people and animated bears engaging in onanism.  And I love how mimes represent French culture.

What if the news here were like this?  It'd be kind of awesome to hear Pat Kiernan and Louis Doddley doing voice-overs while a CGI Mike Bloomberg talks about the latest updates to the city's 311 service. And gets eaten by a bear.

Oh wait!  Apparently they have this in Pawnee!  I just remembered this!

Ok my cursory bit of research has yielded this: the organization that makes these little news sequences is called NMA.  I should do more homework on them, because this is hilarious.  "We have EXCLUSIVE animation of this event."  And the fact that Ben recognizes it makes me think it must have dorky origins.

Also, the animation in the Barbie Girl clip reminded me of Toki's dream in that Metalacolypse episode where his cat died. Ahem, sorry, hamburger timed.

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