Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome to the Porkchop

Welcome to the Unsolicited Porkchop.  The title of this blog was suggested by my mother, in homage to a family legend (not really) about my grandmother always sending my great uncle home with food, whether he wanted it or not.  My dad remembers one instance in particular: The Unsolicited Porkchop.  It gets mentioned in my house very frequently.  If you know my family, this will make sense.  That's pretty much it.  My co-blogger in crime, KO, has been kind enough to let us name our blog after this ridiculous instance that is funny to nobody but me and my parents.

Actually, I think that picture is a lamb chop.  Whatever.

Anyway, as the blog description says, this will be the creative equivalent of a junk drawer.  But hey, sometimes when you're going through a junk drawer, you find something you like, value, or really need.  "Oh  look - a triple-A battery.  I needed that.  Thanks, junk drawer!"


  1. The junk drawer comment made me think of this video =P

